Content Marketing vs Copywriting

Want to know the difference between content marketing and copywriting.

Let’s find out.

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing is a strategy to attract new customers and grow your brand.

You can use different types of content like blog posts, videos, infographics, podcasts, newsletters, ebooks, or white papers.

The goal is to communicate directly with your audience.

This builds trust and pushes them towards making a purchase. You give them value and offer your product or service as the solution to their problems.

What is a Content Strategy?

A content strategy is a plan that connects what you write with your business goals.

The goal can be:

  • Organic traffic
  • Leads
  • Engagement
  • Followers
  • etc

Next you create an editorial plan and promotion schedule to hit these goals.

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is when you create compelling text which sells a product, service, or concept to a target audience.

It's about painting a vivid picture of who you are and what you offer - be it services or products.

The overall goal is to get customers to take action.

However, there are different types of copywriting designed to do different things.

For example, a blog post written for SEO is designed to get organic traffic and sales.

A tweet ghostwritten for a CEO is designed to get engagement and followers.

You can also use writing to make money in these fields too:

I recommend you choose one niche and master it.

The Differences Between Content Marketing vs. Copywriting

Content marketing and copywriting often get mixed up. But they're not the same.

Content marketing is about creating valuable stuff that attracts people to your brand.

Copywriting is crafting persuasive words that make people take action.

If you want to be a copywriter, you’ll need to focus more on sales or growth.

Copywriters and Content Marketers Use Different Tools

Content marketers often lean on editorial calendars and strategy visualization tools.

Sometimes, they even hire contractors or use content licensing platforms to keep the content flowing.

Copywriters need a different set of tools. Swipe files and market research are their go-to tools for understanding what converts.

Here’s an example of market research I was conducting on my social media with polls:

content marketing vs copywriting poll

So, when you're deciding which path to take, consider these differences carefully. Choose the tools that align best with your goals and strategies.

Content Marketers and Copywriters have Different Jobs

Content marketers and copywriters both tell stories, but they do it in different ways. Copywriters are the ad creators. They craft concise, direct, and engaging copy that grabs attention and makes people want to buy. It's all about conversion.

Content marketers are relationship builders. They use longer-form content like white papers, brochures, and ebooks to educate audiences. Their goal is not just to sell a product or service but to build a connection with the audience.

Both roles need top-notch writing skills. But content marketing requires more than just writing ability. It needs a strategic mindset and the skill to write for various formats and audiences.

A copywriter uses a unique brand voice to sell a product or service.

Related: What does a copywriter do?

Whether you're a content marketer or a copywriter, your writing should show deep knowledge of your subject matter—like you've lived it—and break things down so it's super clear for your audience. Be genuine and honest in your work; stand by what you write no matter what.

And always base your facts on reliable sources; sprinkle in where you've heard them from now and then—it adds credibility to your work.

Content Marketing and Copywriting Have Different Goals

Crafting a marketing plan is like building a house. You need a blueprint, clear goals, and the right tools to execute effectively and measure success. One of those tools is understanding the consumer's journey through your marketing funnel: awareness, interest, decision, and action.

Think of content marketing as your trusty guide leading customers down this sales funnel. Its job? To educate your audience about your brand and build trust. It's not just about selling; it's about forming connections that last.

But here's the thing: consumers aren't all at the same stage when they discover your brand. Some might be in the awareness phase while others are ready to make a decision. That's why you need to tailor your content for different types of consumers.

Now let's talk about copywriting - another tool in your marketing toolbox but with its own unique purpose. Copywriting brings a product or service to life using a consistent brand voice, strong calls to action (CTAs), optimized SEO keywords, and easy-to-digest content.

The goal here isn't just to inform or entertain; it’s to get readers to take immediate action – whether that’s signing up for an email list or making a purchase – no matter where they encounter that CTA.

So how do you decide between content marketing and copywriting? It depends on what stage of the journey your customer is at and what action you want them to take next.

Both strategies have their place in any effective marketing plan. Use them wisely based on where each customer is in their journey with your brand.

The Way You Measure Success Could Be Different

When it comes to content marketing and copywriting, success isn't a one-size-fits-all concept. It's more of a tailored suit, cut and stitched to fit the unique shape of your brand goals.

For content marketing, think about metrics like impressions, clicks, and traffic. These are the bread and butter of measuring how well your content is performing.

They give you an idea of how many people are seeing your work, engaging with it, and visiting your site because of it. And this info isn't just from thin air - sources like Google Analytics can provide these insights.

Copywriting success is a bit different. It's not just about getting eyes on the page; it's about what those eyes do next.

Are they booking demos? Making purchases? Filling out inquiry forms? The specific actions you want your audience to take will define your key metrics here.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Copywriting a Part of Content Marketing?

It can be.

Content Marketing can help drive traffic to your sales pages.

Your sales pages can employ persuasion techniques used in copywriting to make you money.

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