Copywriting Quotes

Looking for inspiring copywriter quotes?

You’ve come to the right place, my friend.

Copywriting Quotes From Legends

David Ogilvy

He’s known as the father of advertising.

David was a big believer in detailed research and combining creative copy with a data-driven approach to testing it.

People still talk about him today.

Here are some of his best quotes:

“The best ideas come as jokes. Make your thinking as funny as possible.”

Your best ideas can come to you at the most random times. Sometimes you can have a funny conversation with a friend and it will spark killer ideas.

“I don't know the rules of grammar. If you're trying to persuade people to do something, or buy something, it seems to me you should use their language.”

I actually have a tweet about this same concept.

Writing well is more about psychology and less about grammar.

— Dakota Robertson (@WrongsToWrite) September 1, 2021

“Where people aren’t having any fun, they seldom produce good work.”

Your best work comes from letting your imagination run wild.

“What you say in advertising is more important than how you say it.”

You can dress up your copy with all the flair and style, but if what you're saying doesn’t hit home with the reader, it doesn’t matter.

“On the average, five times as many people read the headline as read the body copy. When you have written your headline, you have spent eighty cents out of your dollar.”

People like to skim. So put more time into your hooks and grabbing attention.

“I do not regard advertising as entertainment or an art form, but as a medium of information. When I write an advertisement, I don’t want you to tell me that you find it ‘creative.’ I want you to find it so interesting that you buy the product.”

Good copy gets them to take action. If they aren’t taking action, it doesn’t matter how creative people think your writing is.

Gary Halbert

Ogilvy may be the father of advertising but Halbert is considered the “prince of print”.

This guy’s long form sales letters pulled in millions of dollars.

If you’re trying to understand how to sell through emotional copywriting, reverse engineer some of his letters.

Here are his best quotes:

“You Must Always Find A Market First... And Then Concentrate On A Product!”

Halbert was a big proponent of market first and then product.

I’d agree. I built my coaching business by starting with a market, Ghostwriting.

“Get yourself a collection of good ads and DM pieces and read them aloud and copy them in your own handwriting.”

Here Gary stresses the importance of swipe files. You should never copy other writer’s work but you can draw inspiration from them.

“Sell People What They Want To Buy!”

Your copy can make heads spin but if the target audience doesn’t want the product, it doesn’t matter.

Eugene Schwartz

His book called “Breakthrough Advertising” is a classic amongst the copywriting community.

Schwartz is a legend in the direct response copywriting space and people are still using his methodologies.

If you want to learn how to become a copywriter, study this dude.

“No sentence can be effective if it contains facts alone. It must also contain emotion, image, logic, and promise.”

People buy through emotion. No explanation needed.

“The greatest mistake marketers make is trying to create demand.”

It’s much easier to sell something that people want vs something you think people want.

“Copy is assembled, You do not write a copy, you assemble it.”

If you have poor research, you’ll create poor copy.

Focus a good portion of your time, attention and energy here.

It’s one of the most important copy skills you can learn.

Copywriting Quotes From Twitter

Now, let me show you some quotes from the new school.

Dakota Robertson

That’s me. I run a Ghostwriting agency that does $250,000/ month.

I also have a coaching program where I help beginners start their own Ghostwriting businesses and get to $10,000/ month.

Use bullet points in your copy.


• It cuts fluff
• It's easy to read
• It catches attention

And it's why you read this tweet

— Dakota Robertson (@WrongsToWrite) June 3, 2023

I love pattern interrupts.

In order to get people's attention, they need a reason to stop scrolling.

Formatting can help you stand out.

Nick Verge

Nick’s worked with high profile influencers like Jordan Belfort, Alex Jones and many others.

He’s hands down one of the best copywriters on Twitter.

Right now what you’re seeing with ChatGPT are these slightly useless prompt packs for like $27.

I’m telling you in the next few years people will be dishing out THOUSANDS for the right prompts.

The right prompt from the right person can give you 100x leverage.

Actually insane…

— Nicholas Verge (@NicholasVerge) July 28, 2023

With the release of ChatGPT, he’s created workflows that make him write better copy, 10x faster.

George Ten

George is another copywriter who is a master of his craft.

My copywriting process:

• 50% research
• 25% Big idea + offer + mechanism
• 10% writing
• 15% editing

And to be honest?
The research is probably more than 50%.

And the writing is probably less than 10%.

I keep saying.
But people don’t listen:

Copywriting is not writing.

— George Ten (@GrammarHippy) May 18, 2023

He’s also a huge proponent of quality research.

George’s Twitter is a gold mine.

You’ll want to bookmark almost every tweet he puts out.

Who is Dakota?

I show you how to build a high-paying creative business without doing work you hate.

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