How To Find Copywriting Clients

Struggling to find copywriting clients?

I’m about to show you 10 ways you can land a client in the next 90 days.

But first a story…

How I Got My First Copywriting Client

Picture a depressed 22 year old college dropout who just quit his job at Dominoes.

That was me.

“Fuck it, I’ll make it work I told myself.”

For 2 years, I tried every side hustle:

  • Flipping iPhones
  • Selling on eBay
  • Amazon FBA
  • Blogging

Nothing worked.

I felt paralyzed by all the information out there.

I invested $6,000 of my savings on a mentorship program.The mentorship:

  • Forced me to stop procrastinating
  • Helped me overcome self-doubt
  • Gave me a clear roadmap

And the next 6 months transformed my life…

In November 2021, I launched my ghostwriting business on Twitter.

If you’re unfamiliar with Ghostwriting, it’s where you take over someone’s account, write their content and schedule it for them.

I was scared.

I doubted myself every step of the way.

But my fear of regret was stronger than my fear of failure.

Within 1 month of launching my ghostwriting business:

I landed my 1st client for $3,000 a month.

I landed my 2nd client for $5,000 a month.

I landed my 3rd client for $3,000 a month.

$11,000 a month without a degree and only 5,000 followers.Had I started with freelance copywriting job boards and not paid for a mentor, I probably wouldn’t have hit this level of success.

Copywriting Job Boards

Can you find copywriting clients from job boards?



  • Upwork
  • Fiverr
  • Freelancer
  • ProBlogger

Should you?

It might not be the best route.

Those platforms take large commissions.

Hundreds of people are bidding for the same shitty jobs.

Most of the jobs are low quality clients looking for cheap work.

This tweet perfectly sums it up:

My experience with clients...

$250 client:

"Is there a money back guarantee on this?"

$35,000 client:

In my opinion, Twitter is the way to go.


Twitter is your new digital resume.

It’s the reason I was able to make much more compared to traditional copywriting rates.

It’s part of the reason my ghostwriting agency hit $51,610 in 31 days.

how to find copywriting clients

Instead of building up your profile on a freelancer site, build your personal brand on Twitter.

This gives you massive leverage in the form of social proof.

The way I was able to grow my account and attract clients with not many followers is through the GAP framework.

What’s The GAP Framework?

My mentor Dan Koe taught me this and then I developed it further.

Gap stands for:

  • Growth content
  • Authority content
  • Personal content

Here are some examples:


  • Sounds like a fortune cookie
  • Appeals to a wide audience
  • Builds familiarity


  • Relates to your niche
  • Shows off your expertise
  • Makes potential clients message you first


  • Helps you talk about whatever you want down the line
  • Creates an emotional connection
  • Gets people to like you

The more you learn and practice GAP, the easier it becomes to attract new clients.

Gap helps you build a brand and not a following.

Many people with “followers” are broke.

Accounts with personal brands have an abundance of client opportunities because they’ve positioned themselves as authorities in their space.

“What if I need clients asap?”

Try this:

Cold DMs

This is where you create a list of prospects on Twitter and send them a message pitching your services.

When the prospect sees your DM, they’ll check out your Twitter profile.

When you follow the GAP framework, your profile has instant social proof and credibility.

This makes it 10x easier to get on calls with clients and win jobs.

DM Giveaways

This is a tactic I’ve used to get more clients without much effort.

People follow, like and comment on your post. In exchange, you give them something valuable for free.

These can attract people who want freebies but there's a select group of people who become genuinely interested in working with you.

You have to make sure your giveaway is valuable to the client you want to attract.

Here’s an example:

I used this DM giveaway to attract coaching clients.

You can use the same technique to get copywriting clients.

These are just a few strategies that I teach in my mentorship program.

If you’re interested, check out this free webinar.

I’ve helped dozens of people start successful Ghostwriting businesses with 0 experience.


Facebook Groups

Facebook Groups are similar to copywriting job boards.

From what I’ve heard, the quality of the jobs can be somewhat higher.

If you’re interested in going that route, here are some decent groups:

Partner With Agencies

Agencies need skilled writers.

If you have copywriting experience, you can work with agencies for a steady stream of income.

You’ll get more experience without having to send cold DMs or cold emails.

It’s attractive but it has limited upside potential.

You can only service so many clients and you take home less because the agency gets a cut.

Network with Other Copywriters

When I first joined Twitter, I realized content was just as important as networking.

I’m in the Ghostwriting niche, but I’m friends with other business owners in different niches like VSL (Video Sales Letters), long form copy, Linkedin Ghostwriting and more.

The connections I made with these people are priceless.

Whenever someone needs a Ghostwriter for Twitter, I’m the first person they recommend.

This kind of referral network is key to growing your business.

I didn’t always have these connections.

I started investing in coaching programs to level up my skills and grow my network faster.

In 2022, I took a portion of the money I was making and invested $55,300 in sales, marketing, fitness and performance coaching.

Alex Hormozi calls this paying down the ignorance tax.

Not paying for a mentorship program that can make you extra $100,000/ year is costing you $100,000/ year.

When you frame things from this perspective, you realize just how much money you miss out when trying to pinch pennies.

Cold Emailing

This works well if you already have results for a specific type of client.

For example, if you have results with SaaS companies, you can email other SaaS companies offering the same service.

If you don’t have results yet, use a performance based offer where they only pay if you make them money.

Another strategy you can do is write a landing page or blog post for free.

Then send it to them.

If they like your work, chances are they’ll hire you for more freelance copywriting.

Blogging With SEO

If you’re reading this, it’s because you found me through Google.

You can have copywriting clients come to you using SEO (Search Engine Optimization) in combination with a newsletter.

You’ll need to learn basic keyword research and how to write SEO-friendly content.

Next, you create content optimized around keywords that attract your target audience.

Writing the content is only half the battle, you’ll also need to get good at link building.

Link Building is where you get one website to link to yours.

Think of these like votes inside Google.

The more votes you have, the more likely Google will rank your content in search.

Guest Posting

Guest posting is where you offer to write content for free in exchange for a link.

It’s grueling and involves cold email outreach but it can help you get your foot in the door with a company looking for freelance writers.

When you write a quality article that blows their mind, it’s possible they’ll offer you more work.

I know people who’ve find clients doing this but I wouldn’t say it’s as effective as the other methods.

FAQs On Finding Copywriting Clients

How do I find prospects for copywriting?

Ever hear of a dream 100 list?

This is a list of people or companies that would be your dream clients.

You can build your list on Twitter or you can build it using Google.

After you’ve got your list, you need to find their emails or social media profiles.

Send them a Cold DM or a Cold Email with an offer that would be hard to refuse.

Show proof that you can get results and you might be able to land 1-3 copywriting clients for every 100 messages sent.

How do I market myself as a copywriter?

Think long term.

Copywriting job boards can make you some quick cash but they won’t change your life.

Invest in your personal brand on Twitter.

It isn’t a get rich quick scheme but it’s possible to hit $10,000/ month in your first year if you work at it.

Next Steps

Now you have 10 different options you can explore

Exploring each of these options will take months.

If you want a clear path to $10,000/ month with Ghostwriting, check out this free webinar.

I’ve helped people like Rohith sign $10,000 Ghostwriting clients:

Who is Dakota?

I show you how to build a high-paying creative business without doing work you hate.

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