Types Of Copywriting

Feeling overwhelmed by all the different types of copywriting?

Not sure which one to get started with?

Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered.

I’m about to show you everything you need to know so you focus on the right one and make money.

Website Copywriting

Website copywriting is when you write branded or conversion focused copy for homepages and landing pages.

It isn't just writing; it's crafting a user's journey the second they land on a page.

Think about the average web visitor - you’re competing with 24/7 notifications and distractions on their smartphone. You’ve got 5 seconds to hook them, or else they're gone.

Why specialize in Website Copywriting?

Because every word is a potential sale, an opportunity.

Your copy needs to define clear objectives, communicate specific info, and prompt actions. You’re guiding the user on their digital journey.

But sometimes, you’re doing brand copywriting.

Here’s a cheeky example with Vinomofo:

types of copywriting

Vinomofo is a tongue-in-cheek wine club.

All their web content speaks to web visitors through the lens of the brand.

“The good stuff is up there, buddy.”

Feels edgy.

Here’s another example of my own website, Growth Ghosts:

This is a landing page for my Ghostwriting mentorship program where I teach beginners how to launch a $10,000/ month Ghostwriting business on social media.

Key elements are at play here.

I’m selling the transformation, not just the product.

The 1st is the eyebrow, this is the section of small text above the headline that specifies who this is for.

The 2nd is a hook or headline. This is where I snag your attention.

Could you use an extra $2,000 - $10,000 per month traveling the world? I don’t know many who wouldn’t.

Here’s how this hooks visitors:

It implies a benefit which is $2,000 - $10,000 per month.

It also implies low perceived effort which is 1-5 social media posts without being an expert.

I want people to click the purple button and sign up and these two elements make visitors click.


Ghostwriting is when you take over someone's account, write for them, and schedule their content.

At its peak, my Ghostwriting agency made $50,000/ month.

When I started, I hit $11,000/ month niching down into Ghostwriting on Twitter.

People with money don't have time or know how to grow their own account, so they'll pay a ghostwriter $2,000-$10,000/month to do it for them.

Where do these people hang out? Twitter.

Your job is to help grow their audience, get them leads and followers.

If you can grow your own account, you can do it for people with money.

That’s what I did with mine and that's exactly what I teach in my coaching program.


Ghostwriting is just one sub-niche within social media copywriting.

Related: How To Become A Copywriter [Earn $100K+ In Your Underwear]

Social media copywriting

Social media copywriting is when you write organic posts for brands on Twitter, Linkedin, Instagram or Facebook.

If you're all about engaging audiences with a punch of personality, social media copywriting may be for you.

Social media copywriting is about modeling what works, applying it to the brand you're working for and then hooking people on the platforms to get them interested.

It's about strategic posting from company or personal brand accounts, writing banger content and then getting eyeballs on it.

How do you get reach?

You pay for it.

For Twitter, it’s retweets.

For Instagram, it’s shoutouts.

For Linkedin, it’s comments.

Before you invest in reach, make sure your content is damn good.

Otherwise, it's like putting whipped cream on dog shit.

Why specialize in Social Media Copy?

If you can understand what works on each platform and continually sharpen your skills, you’re in high demand.

There are plenty of CEOs and entrepreneurs who want to grow their followings.

So one way you can specialize is by doing social media Ghostwriting.

If you want the full scoop, check out this video:

SEO copywriting

SEO copywriting is a sub-niche of content marketing where you write blog posts to get traffic from search engines.

You’re writing copy but sprinkling the right keywords that get your content to the #1 spot on Google.

Sounds straightforward? Wrong. It's not about stuffing keywords like a Thanksgiving turkey.

It’s about finding the right keywords, writing content outlines and creating banger content that gets clicks.

If you're an analytical type who enjoys decoding patterns, and writing copy that one-ups the competition, this might be your jam.

And why not? SEO is a cornerstone of digital marketing and content writing.

If you master it, you'll be the wizard behind the curtain, directing the organic traffic and, consequently, the cash flow.

Should you specialize in SEO Copywriting?

Specializing in SEO copywriting is your ticket to being indispensable but only if you work with the right brands.

Many companies treat SEO copywriting as a commodity, use chatGPT, cut corners and don’t pay well.

These types of copywriting rates can be anywhere from .06 to .50 depending on your level of experience.

For a 1000 word article, you’re looking at $60 to $500.

But every business craves that #1 spot on Google - it's the digital equivalent of having a billboard in Times Square. And you?

You could be the one to get them there.

If you want to check out more profitable copywriting niches.

B2C copywriting

B2C copywriting is when you write for businesses who sell to consumers.

Picture ecom brands and info-product business owners.

B2C copywriters like to take an indirect approach.

Think about it. Consumers are doom scrolling and you’ve got to grab their attention and build curiosity.

The best copywriters use indirect stories to grab their attention.

Consumers know they’re being sold to so an indirect story in the beginning of your copy can break down their defenses.

Why Specialize in B2C?

B2C has a much larger pool of potential clients.

The product price points are usually lower so it’s easier to drive conversions from cold traffic.

If you can combine B2C with Direct Response Copywriting, you can make brands millions of dollars and take a nice cut of those millions.

Direct Response Copywriting

Direct response copywriting is when you write copy that makes customers take action.

This could be in the form of purchases, calls, sign ups and replies from email lists.

You get them to act now.

If you love the thrill of immediately seeing the results of your copy after email marketing campaigns or running paid ads, this might be for you.

Why specialize in Direct Response?

There’s a lot of overlap between direct response, ad copywriting and email copywriting.

You can test your copy and see exactly what results it produces.

This helps you prove the value of your copy to clients and allows you to charge premium rates.

If you can make them $2 for every $1, they’d be stupid to say no.

It’s one of the most profitable copywriting niches.

Product copywriting

Product copywriting is when you write product pages and product descriptions that convert.

You’re shaping how a customer feels about a product and convincing them to buy.

Imagine crafting descriptions for product pages, announcing new launches, and seducing readers with tantalizing details.

Your focus will be on the benefits and not features.

Your job is also to paint a vivid picture.

The trick here is to always focus on benefits over features. People buy with emotion, then justify with logic. They want to know how that watch will make them feel, how it'll change their life.


"This watch is waterproof"


Dive into the water without a second thought. With this waterproof watch, there's no need to pause, no need to remove it. Your adventure continues seamlessly, and time stays with you every step of the way.

Who should specialize in Product Copywriting?

If you like ecommerce and persuasion combined with making people feel something, this could be for you.

B2B copywriting

B2B copywriting is where you write for businesses that sell products and services to other businesses.

You think writing for consumers is intense? Try engaging a CEO, a company with its own dreams, fears, and needs. That's the B2B landscape.

B2B copy is often more direct.

B2C copy is more indirect.

B2B business owners are busy and they have no time to beat around the bush.

So you have to hook them fast and let them know right away what’s in it for them.

You need to address their pain points.

You're looking into the eyes of an entrepreneur, a decision-maker, and saying, "I know what keeps you up at night, and I've got the answer."

Why dive into B2B Copywriting?

The job of a B2B copywriter can be a challenge.

If you work with the right B2B companies, they can afford to pay you massive amounts of cash.

However, you need to be in the top 1% of copywriters to make the big bucks.

You also have to prove your worth to command higher rates.

Ad copywriting

Ad copywriting is writing ad campaigns with the goal of getting people to take action.

It could be Google Ads, Facebook ads, TikTok Ads, or even TV/Radio ads.

The difference between this and direct response is sometimes ad copywriting could be for brand awareness or image.

Think Apple TV commercials and billboards.

Why specialize in Ad Copywriting?

If you combine Direct response with ad copy, the potential to make money is sky high.

You can earn a percentage of the profit after ad spend but it needs to be in your copywriting contract.

Which Types Of Copywriting Should You Specialize In?

We talked about these 9 types of copywriting:

  • Website copywriting
  • Ghostwriting
  • Social Media Copywriting
  • SEO copywriting
  • B2C copywriting
  • Direct response copywriting
  • Product copywriting
  • B2B copywriting
  • Ad copywriting

If I had to pick, I’d choose Ghostwriting.

It’s how I was able to scale my business to $50,000/ month.

I’ve also laid out a clear path for beginners in this webinar, if you’re interested.

Who is Dakota?

I show you how to build a high-paying creative business without doing work you hate.

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