Why Copywriting Is Important

Copywriting is one of the most important skills you can learn.

Why is copywriting important?

I’ll show you 7 reasons why I learned it and you should to

Why is Copywriting important?

Copywriting is important because when you pair it with psychology you can print money.

1. Brand Building And Audience Awareness

I have over 500,000 followers on social media.

Now, I’m not saying this to brag. I’m saying this because if you learn copywriting, you can build a massive audience on social media too.

I studied copywriting books and what went viral on Twitter (now X).

I came up with a formula for how to go viral and used it to build over 247,000 followers on the platform.

Here’s an example:

47 sentences that'll teach you how to grow to 10,000 followers faster than any 47$ Gumroad course:

— Dakota Robertson (@WrongsToWrite) April 16, 2022

That tweet ripped because I found out what was working, applied copywriting principles like specificity in the hook and made the reader feel like there was a high perceived value in reading the tweet.

Copywriting my friends.

Would this same Tweet work now? No. Tweets like these became saturated. Once you find something that works, everyone copies you.

But I can use the same principles in new Tweets to continue to rip viral posts which are similar and continue to grow my audience.

Without copywriting, I would have never been able to do that.

Now, I run a Twitter Ghostwriting agency which makes over 50,000 per month and I’ve got a steady flow of high paying customers who want to work with us.

That’s the power of copy and that's the power of brand.

2. Nurture Relationships

Copywriting is important because it helps you nurture relationships.

As a copywriter, one of the most valuable assets in your arsenal is your newsletter.

Email lists help you make more money because people are more likely to buy from people than faceless brands.

It also gives you massive leverage because you can sell “one to many” instead of “one to one”.

As my friend Geroge Ten puts it, it’s the recipe for a low stress, high reward business.

People join your newsletter because of what you promise them.

They stay because of who you are.

They engage if who you are aligns with who they are (or want to become).

And that…
My friends…

Is the perfect low-stress and high-reward business.

Most are doing it wrong.

— George Ten (@GrammarHippy) April 18, 2023

Learn copywriting so you can start an engaging newsletter.

People are bombarded with dog shit emails every day.

You need to come across as someone who knows their stuff and is entertaining.

You're not just repeating what others have said. Ideally, you’re either teaching your email subscribers something valuable or building in public to show them what’s possible.

I’ve got over 10,700 people on my email list. These are people who regularly read my emails, become more likely to comment on my social media and buy my offers because I’ve nurtured them.

why is copywriting important newsletter image

Also it doesn’t have to be a personal brand newsletter. It can be a newsletter about a specific topic like finance. Like these guys who sold their fiance newsletter for $X to hubspot.

3. The World Is Complex, Good Copy Makes It Simple

If you’re writing for B2C, your target audience is most likely beginners.

You might be a seasoned pro in your field, brimming with insights.

Copywriting is important in this case because good copy makes products and services simple.

Simplicity sells.

When you can take complex ideas and turn them into digestible step-by-step instructions, all while maintaining authenticity and honesty, you’re going to make sales.

In order to sell, I found you need 4 things:

  • Traffic
  • Trust
  • Authenticity
  • Simplicity

And of course you’ll need an offer which is a product or service that people actually want.

If whatever you're selling is too complex for people to understand, they won’t buy.

People try to be clever when really, they need to be clear and not clever.

4. Increase Conversion Rates

Ever hear of direct response copywriting?

It’s words which get people to take action.

It’s one of the most underrated skills you can learn and here’s why:

Pretend you’re running paid ads to an info product.

If you’re a seasoned copywriter, just by rewriting the lead, you can improve a business's conversions 10x.

Depending on the amount of traffic, this can be the difference between making $10,000 and $100,000.

I highly recommend you check out the book Great Leads by Micheal Masterson.

5. Busy Businesses And CEOs Need It

Let’s be real, business owners are jugglers.

They’re spread thin so hiring copywriters for blog content can be a time-saver.

Businesses need:

  • Tweets
  • Instagram content
  • Linkedin content
  • Blog posts
  • Landing pages
  • Funnel Copy

It’s impossible for business owners and busy CEOs to tackle all of those and their lack of  expertise creates a gap in the market which you can fill.

If you learn how to write amazing copy, you can be that person who gets paid to fill that void.

6. Improve Organic Traffic to Your Website

If you can’t get traffic to an offer, you don’t have a business.

Business blogs play a vital role in SEO, helping to cut down on customer acquisition costs on paid aids.

In fact, the average SaaS company spends up to 180,000 annually.

Consistent, high-quality content can give you a boost in organic traffic from search engines such as Google.

I’m focusing on building out organic SEO as another traffic channel in my business.

Diversification is important and businesses shouldn’t rely on any one platform.

However, great content is hard to come by, especially in the day and age of AI.

If you learn SEO copywriting, you can learn how to get traffic and stand out amongst the sea of competitors selling chatGPT written content.

Where To Start

If your goal is to make $10,000/month as soon as possible:

Learn copywriting.

It’s  transferable to everything.

• Blogs

• Copywriting

• Video scripts

• Ghostwriting

• Email marketing

Who is Dakota?

I show you how to build a high-paying creative business without doing work you hate.

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