How Long Does it take to become a copywriter

It can take 3 to 6 months to become a copywriter.

However, not all copywriters make the same money.

If you want to be able to quit your job making a living from copywriting, keep reading:

You Need These 2 Things:

Learn Copywriting As A Skill

Just like learning any new skill, building your chops as a copywriter requires training...

We're not talking about the level of training that it takes to become a lion tamer or learning to fly a helicopter (also not as dangerous) but training is required nonetheless.

There's also nothing that says you have to train in any certain way or go into debt getting a college degree.

You don't need any sort of permission or certifications either.

But what you do need is a desire to learn and a solid work ethic.

Thanks to the internet, you can learn virtually any skill imaginable for FREE.

Including learning copywriting.

No matter how you choose to learn, there are foundational principles you will need to become a paid writer.

How to write an effective hook, writing for your reader, creating a strong call to action, or how to sneak in a joke about pineapple pizza (controversial topic I know)

There is of course a way to shorten the time it takes to learn copywriting skills on your own..

Which is what I did..

A year after struggling on my own and making mistakes and doing things the hard way... I knew I needed help.

I wanted to get into the ghostwriting niche.

So, I hired a mentor.

If you are serious about becoming a copywriter, and want to shorten the learning curve, I would suggest you consider doing the same. (More on this in a bit)

This will also give you a leg-up when it comes time to find clients, create an offer, build your writing chops, network, and gain confidence...

Which leads us to the other requirement...

Get Experience

The copywriting client conundrum: you need experience to deliver high quality work for paying clients, but you need clients to gain experience... well, sort of.

Let's unpack this a bit.

There is no substitute for the time needed to get good at any skill.

Copywriting is no exception.

However, you can supercharge the process with a daily writing habit combined with the right mindset.

One of the books I recommend to everyone in my Growth Ghost cohort (keep reading for more on this) is the book “Expert Secrets” by Russel Brunson.

This book provides a fantastic roadmap for anyone to follow on the journey of building a solo business and helps you create the right mindset to become an information sponge.

By combining the process of free educational materials (training) with the daily application of writing (to build experience) you are applying everything you are learning right away...

Building new pathways in your brain, and gaining confidence as you go.

As you get more copywriting experience, you’ll become better at understanding effective copywriting (crazy how that works).

One of my favorite ways to fast track that understanding is to write short-form copy like social media posts or even practicing writing ads for your favorite brands.

This is basically a fake ad that you write just to show off what you are learning along the way of becoming a copywriter.

As soon as you have the basics down, you can start looking for potential clients either locally or in your network.

Maybe you have a friend who owns a business that needs some help with copywriting for their social media or website.

Or another way is to offer your services for free to small businesses in your area that would be willing to give you a testimonial in exchange for some free writing work.

Testimonials are gold for new copywriters.

They become instant social proof you can use as leverage to land more paying clients, and in turn you get more experience and make more money.

Let's loop back around to the timeframe of learning copywriting...

The fact is there is no 1 answer to how long it takes. (I wish there was)

But we all start from a different place so the journey of learning looks different for everyone.

However, one of the things that takes the longest is the trial and error stage where you make the same mistakes every other copywriter makes while learning their craft...

With a mentor or a proven method, you can actually avoid the most common mistakes and accomplish your goals 10x faster.

This might be the easiest way to shorten the beginner phase and save yourself the pain of costly mistakes.

And it’s exactly why I put together my cohort: Growth Ghosts.

It's the best way for me to share with you everything I've learned along the way.

Not to mention weekly guest masterclasses from incredible creators like:

Dan Koe

JK Molina

Justin Scott

Kieran Drew

Joey Justice

Nicholas Verge

Cold Email Wizard

Want To Get There Quicker?

If you want a proven method to launch your copywriting career with a path to hit $10K a month in the next 6 months, then apply for my Growth Ghost cohort.

In it, we’ll teach you everything you need to know about:

1) Growing on social media

2) The fundamentals of business (marketing, sales, systems, AI)

3) How to start a ghostwriting business

If you want to quit your 9 to 5 and get paid $2,000-$10,000+ a month to write 3-15 tweets a day, per client…

Click here

Who is Dakota?

I show you how to build a high-paying creative business without doing work you hate.

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